in অ্যাডসেন্স by

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CTR stands for Click Though rate. In simple words, it means the number of times an advertisement is clicked divided by the number of times advertisement, ad unit or the page containing advertisement is viewed.

It is the percentage of No of clicks on advertisement and number of page views.

  • CTR = Number of clicks / Number of exposures.
  • CTR% = Number of clicks * 100 / # of exposures

So in simple words, if you have an ad running and it’s seen by 100 people but got only 5 clicks, your CTR is 5%. Point to be noted here is that higher the percentage of CTR, the better advertisement you will get. So it’s advisable to place advertisements only at the places which are viewable and can be clicked easily.

Now, One of the most common questions is What is Good CTR or I’m getting enough click on my Adsense but my revenue is very low.


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